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Do I need an architect to renovate my home?

When it comes to giving the interior of your home a makeover, having a professional designer by your side might seem like a luxury. However, an architect might be just what your home needs, find out why...

3 min read
by Heather

If you’re building a new home from scratch or going for a big extension, it might seem obvious that you need an architect by your side - but what about renovations?

When it comes to giving the interior of your home a makeover, having a professional designer by your side might seem like a luxury. However, an architect might be just what your home needs, with some surprising financial benefits for yourself.

Here’s why you might consider an architect for your renovation project…

Understand your home’s potential

If you do nothing else, getting an architect in to brainstorm your options can make a world of difference to your home. Why?

Architects are the masters of space. They spend years learning the ins and outs of good design and, as such, are able to spot potential that many people miss.

By having an architect in at the start, you might discover…

  • Ways to unlock extra space
  • Storage solutions
  • Ideas to let in more natural light
  • Floorplan options

To name just a few common benefits of an architect’s touch.

Better resale value

Speaking of value, that’s another big reason to consider an architect.

Don’t forget, great design isn’t just appreciated by your family, it’s something a future buyer will also pay attention to. If you’re spending both time and money on improving your home, it’s nice to know you’re going to reap these rewards later down the line at resale.

However, making sure you get a return for your money can be especially tricky when it comes to renovations. Unlike extensions and conversions, that are adding tangible space onto your household, renovations can end up as mere aesthetic projects. While this is fine if you plan on selling straight away, those who wait will see the value of these alterations depreciate pretty quickly. What looks good now, might now look good in five years time.

This is why an architect is so handy. Even if you’re not expanding your space, making changes to your floorplan can be a more surefire way of boosting the price of your home.

You might assume that by confining your changes to the inside of your home you might be spared from the legal admin headaches. However, even internal work can sometimes need approval from your local authority. What’s more, failure to get this permission can result in hefty fines or even the reversal of the work completed.

For example, here are some legal obligations you might not realise you have…

  • You need building control approval to remove a chimney.
  • Also, if you plan on altering a load-bearing wall.
  • If you’re building near or altering a wall that’s shared with a neighbour, you’ll need to serve a party wall notice.
  • You’ll also need planning permission, should you live in a listed building.
  • Or, if altering the windows and doors in a home within a conservation area.

These are just some of the admin requirements you need to be aware of, there could even be more that apply to your property, as each council creates its own unique rules.

By having an architect by your side, you ensure your project doesn’t get caught out by the nitty-gritty of housing policy. At Resi, we even have our own planning and building regulations experts in house, ready to jump in at any time to help your project avoid legal disaster.

See an architect at work…

Since opening our doors in 2016, we’ve transformed over 2000 homes across the UK - including designing many renovations.

Rather than continue to tell you the virtues of architecture, we’re instead going to show you some of the amazing work our designers have completed…

Overhill Road 75c - Bathroom-17


Devonshire 1

Devonshire 21

Devonshire 43

Devonshire 5

Like what you see? To discover what an architectural touch can do for your home, book a free consultation with our team. You’ll get expert advice, plus the chance to test our unique online platform.

How much does an architect charge?

Extensions & what they cost

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