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5 top maintenance tips for the summer

The summer is a great time to get on with some of the bigger maintenance jobs as the days are long and there’s far less chance of rain and wind getting in the way.

2 min read
by Amy Bulger

The summer is a great time to get on with some of the bigger maintenance jobs as the days are long and there’s far less chance of rain and wind getting in the way.

Here are our top five recommendations for things to look at over the coming months:

Check the roof

Ensure someone takes a look at the loft or roof space to check there aren’t any gaps where you can see light coming in – because that’s where water can penetrate. Also, have a look from the ground outside to make sure flashing hasn’t lifted and there aren’t any slipped tiles.

Clear the guttering

Although winter’s when we get an extended period of wet weather, summer can bring thunderstorms and the risk of flash flooding. So, while everything’s dry, make sure gutters and drains are clear, so if there is a sudden heavy downpour, the water can escape.

Is the garden easy to maintain?

It’s very easy for gardens in rented properties to get overgrown and untidy, especially as we are all so busy! So have a critical eye cast over the garden during June and July, when plants, shrubs and trees are growing at their fastest, and consider:

  • Would it be wise to severely cut back or remove some?
  • Could you replace some fast-growing plants with more hardy, lower-maintenance ones?
  • Is it worth paving an area currently laid to lawn?

Although you’ll need to spend a little money now, it’s likely to be worthwhile to help keep the exterior looking its best and reduce the need for a lot of work to get it in shape.

Service the plumbing system

Since you are highly unlikely to be using the heating over the summer, it’s the perfect time to bleed radiators, drain down and flush through the system. It’s also a good time to have a boiler serviced, and this way, if anything does need repairing or replacing, it’s not going to leave you shivering.

Touch up any exterior paintwork

It may be that some of it just needs a good clean, but if you have any flaking or discoloured paintwork, get it touched up while the weather’s warm and it’s going to dry quickly. And while you’re looking at the window frames and sills, check the seals and replace any that look to be failing.

The smarter your property looks the better it will help maintain or improve your property’s value.

Finally, while it’s warmer open the windows to allow air to circulate. Surface mould is a common issue and can be caused due to a lack of ventilation and trapping damp air inside. While it won’t get rid of any existing mould, opening the windows on a regular basis will be good for both the property and your health.

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