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What Makes a Happy Home? Our 2023 report reveals all

Read our Happy Home report and discover how to make your home more effective for your wellbeing.

2 min read
by Molly-Sue Moore

At Resi, we pride ourselves on being curious about our customers, homeowners and the UK public in general. We believe that if we understand people’s motivations and desires – and pinpoint what makes them happy – that we’ll be better poised to deliver them homes and information that ease or improve their renovation or extension experiences.

Our initial Happy Home Report was carried out a few years ago, before the chaos of the global pandemic came crashing into our lives. For many, their work and home equilibrium was disrupted overnight and calls were being made for curated zoom backgrounds, cobbled-together home offices and workout rooms.

Depending on what algorithm you received on social media, it could feel as though everyone was at home to stay. And in the years since, much has been made of creating home offices, gyms and garden rooms that can be used for both. We wanted to test whether, in a survey of over 2000 people from around the UK of various age brackets, the narrative that we’re all working from home and need space to accommodate it was accurate. But that’s not all we were looking out for.

Alongside our post-pandemic backdrop, we’re seen a turbulent economy ebb and flow wearily before ending up in the current cost of living crisis. As a home renovation and extension company, we simply can’t ignore how much it takes to run a home and the impact that that expenditure can have on the people that live in them. We assumed it would be a point of concern but the results demonstrated just how much our financial fears were impacting our decisions at home.

Now, a break from the doom and gloom and a glimpse at the good stuff: there are plenty of clever, affordable things we can do in our homes to make them more suited to our wellbeing. These can range from simple hacks like separating rooms with dividers to create cosy, private pockets of space or selecting unique, personal finishing touches that reflect our likes and interests to decorate the space. Our Happy Home report delves into some of the questions we should be asking when it comes to choosing sensible changes that will stand the test of time with advice from our pragmatic, straight-talking CEO Alex Depledge and TV-favourite and property expert Phil Spencer.

Read the 2023 Happy Home Report here, as featured in The Times on Sunday.

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