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Milton Keynes planning support and extension designers

If you’re living in Milton Keynes and hoping to extend your home but are unsure where to begin, we have the planning and design expertise to help make your ideas a reality.

6 min read
by Molly-Sue Moore

Hoping to extend your Milton Keynes home but not sure where to start? From planning rules and regulations to design knowledge and budgeting, the renovation process can be challenging and stressful. With our experienced team of architects, technologists, designers and planning experts, we can get your project off the ground and cut through the red tape for you.

Our planning approval rate sits at 91% and we’ve also completed over 6,000 projects in the UK, so if you want insightful advice and knowledge we can help offer you advice you need to get the ball rolling.

How to secure planning permission for your extension or conversion project in Milton Keynes?

Residents of Milton Keynes will be aware of its fascinating history and the grand plans that led to its development. In the 1960’s, the government dreamt up a new town in the South East of England that would facilitate reducing congestion in London. The target population for this area was to be 250,000 and the idea was that this so-called “New City” would become a major centre for growth in its own right.

If you live in Milton Keynes there’s plenty to benefit from. It’s equidistant from London, Birmingham, Leicester, Oxford and Cambridge so it’s ideal for commuters who want to be close to the action and have the option of beautiful nature reserves and great schools on their doorstep.

The development of Milton Keynes has seldom been slow but in recent years the construction of new builds has ramped up even more. According to MK Citizen, up to five homes are being built a day in the area. This means that the city is meeting government targets to create new homes at an impressive pace. Recent leaps in modular building techniques and materials are allowing this to happen rapidly.

For owners of existing homes that are hoping to extend, however, the process can be a little more challenging. The first step towards getting an extension is making sure that you have the correct permissions to proceed with your plans. That’s where our planning team comes in – with backgrounds in local councils as well as architectural practices, they’re well poised to get your project started. Book a free advice call today to discuss your plans.

#1 Do some research about projects in your area

One of the most valuable things you can do when you’re beginning your renovation or extension project is to get a better understanding of your local area and the sort of work that has already happened there. Knowing averages for how long planning permission takes to come through is one of these key pieces of information because it can indicate what timelines you might be looking at.

While you can’t always bank on receiving the same planning approval as for your neighbours’ build, getting some insight into how many and how long planning applications have taken to be approved can inform how successful yours might be. Last year in Milton Keynes, 80% of householder applications were decided on time. Of these, 91% were granted. These are reassuring odds and suggest that you have a good chance of getting your project plans approved. But if you’d like some further insight or guidance, our planning team is on-hand to help.

#2 Look for specificities in your area

Milton Keynes has over 1,000 Listed Buildings including an old bus station and a modern shopping centre. Also, while it’s a relatively new city and filled with modern buildings, there are some historic buildings dotted around such as Bradwell Abbey. In addition to this, there are 27 Conservation Areas in Milton Keynes.

From Listed Buildings to Conservation Area considerations, there’s plenty to take into account if you’re planning on renovating or extending your Milton Keynes property. Understanding the specificity and what they mean for your plans will be vital to their success. As well as doing your own research, our planning team can help you understand the rules and regulations in greater detail to give your plans the best chance of going ahead.

#3 Focus on energy efficiency

Milton Keynes is ranked the 8th city in the UK for energy efficiency, with 59% of houses with an EPC rating A-C. According to their 2019 plan, the council planned on upholding and even improving energy efficiency further. There’s even an indication within this plan that new builds that improve Energy Performance Certificates will be better supported than those that do not. Given that, it’s really important that you’re aware of how your proposed plans may impact your EPC as it may improve your chances to get planning permission.

It’s also an opportunity to improve how efficiently your home runs. This could have the dual benefits of getting your plans approved, not impacting the environment harshly and saving you money on energy bills. Find out more about retrofitting to improve your home’s energy efficiency here.

#4 Secure architectural designs for your project

Because of the focus on energy efficiency in the Milton Keynes area, as well as the number of Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas it contains, the local council are likely to be particular about what can and can not be done when it comes to your renovation or extension. If you want to improve your chances of your plans being approved, you’ll want to make sure that you have high quality architectural drawings of your existing property and detailed information about the project you’re proposing. Get in touch with our experienced design team to discuss your ideas today and to see what they can do for you when it comes to getting the green light.

Securing planning permission in Milton Keynes

Prepare your budget beforehand

One of the most valuable things that you can do to encourage the smooth running of your home renovation or extension project is to ensure that you’re ready and able to fund it. Get in touch with our knowledgeable finance team to get advice on how to pay for your plans. There’s plenty to weigh up – from whether or not you stay home for the duration of the work to whether you have a contingency plan or are willing to compromise on some factors. With so much to consider, budgets can get confusing and spiral. In addition to discussing your ideas with our finance team, you can use the Resi dashboard to keep track of each and every one of your project-related outgoings along with a timeline.

How much does a home extension cost in Milton Keynes?

A range of factors will determine how much your home extension will cost to build. Some of these may be the condition of the existing property, the size of the proposed project, the quality of the materials used and the professionals that you hire to get the job done. However, based on existing data from projects we’ve completed in the area, we can give you ballpark figures for each of the below extensions in Milton Keynes:

Extension Cost
​First floor internal alteration​ £46K
​Garage conversion​ £16 - £21K
​Ground floor​ £28K

For more detailed estimates for how much your project could cost to build, book a free advice call with a friendly member of the Resi team today.

How much does a loft conversion cost in Milton Keynes?

According to figures found by Ha Much, loft conversions in Milton Keynes begin at the £23K mark and can reach up to £32K. That being said, each project is unique and the amount a loft conversion will cost will vary based on a huge range of factors. To find out how much a loft conversion in Milton Keynes could set you back, speak with one of our experts.

How much does planning application cost?

The cost of your planning application will depend on where your property is, why you’re having to apply for it and a series of other factors specified here. Find your Local Planning Authority and get in touch with them to review your plans and get detailed advice regarding how much your planning application (if required) could cost.

Resi: helping you get your project from idea to completion

Whether your Milton Keynes home renovation or extension idea is in the developing stages or you’ve reached the point that your heart is set on your project, we’re here to help make your ideas a reality. We offer everything from advice on gaining planning permission, design inspiration and expertise, architectural drawings, introductions to structural engineers and tradespeople in your local area.

Book a free advice call today to find out how we can help get your plans started.

Can I use Permitted Development rights?
Permitted development rights mean you may be able to extend or renovate without the need for a full planning application.

Where in the UK do you live?

Extensions & what they cost

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