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How much does it cost to build a conservatory

They’re one of the most popular additions for British homes but how much will a conservatory set you back? We look at all the different factors.

5 min read

They’re one of the most popular additions for British homes but how much will a conservatory set you back?

On average, a conservatory can cost anywhere between £8,000 - £30,000. How much your own build will cost will depend on a range of factors, from design to materials used, all of which we’ll cover here.

It’s also worth noting, while the initial costs are important, you’ll want to bear in mind the value a conservatory will be bringing to your home. Both in terms of how your family enjoys it and your house price.

So without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about conservatories and your finances…


One of the biggest factors in your potential costs will be the style of your conservatory. You can choose to have…

  • Victorian: recognisable by its pitched roof, this is the most popular choice in the UK.
  • Edwardian: like the Victorian style but with a flat front to give it more room.
  • Georgian: their triangle fronts mean more glazing and so more natural light in the space.
  • Lean-to: a simple structure that’s easy to construct and so good for those smaller budgets.
  • P-shaped: a combination of both the Victorian and lean-to style, this is perfect for open-plan homes.
  • T-shaped: by having a central projection, it’s easy to split this extension into two separate rooms.
  • Loggia: hailing from Italy, it features full-length glazed panels - perfect to appreciate your natural surroundings.

As a rule, the more complex your design, the more you’re likely to pay. So a Victorian conservatory made from polycarbonate can cost over £15,000, while a lean-to from the same material would only be around £11,000 at most.

However, don’t forget visual appeal is going to play a huge factor in the resale value of your home. So if you go for a bland design, you might not see good returns later on down the line.


Hand in hand with the design is the materials you use. There are two areas to focus on when it comes to materials: the frame and the roof. Both will have a big impact on your budget, as well as the visual appeal of your end product.

For the frames that make up the body of your conservatory, you could choose from...


This is the white, plastic material you see on a lot of low-end conservatories. By far, this is the cheapest material to build with but it does have a number of drawbacks.

They’re prone to having their seals degrade over time, letting in draughts to your home. It can also warp as it gets older, so if you want something that will stand the time, this might not be the one for you. Many homeowners also find it visually unappealing, so can cause the price of your home to suffer.


Timber can also be quite cost-effective but will require real craftsmanship to shape, so more complex structures will push those prices up. On top of this, cheap timber often doesn’t come from a sustainable source, so we encourage you to research and purchase an eco-friendly version of this material.

If you take proper care of your timber frames, they can easily outlast uPVC but this will require maintenance. Be prepared to invest in repainting, refinishing and treatments over the years.


Easily the most expensive material for your frames but don’t let this put off. Aluminium frames are ideal for anyone looking to create a modern-looking extension and want to see the best returns when it comes to reselling. And because it’s a strong frame, you’ll get better insulation and have fewer maintenance issues down the line.

Your next consideration will be the roof. Like frames, you have three options to choose from…


Often used alongside uPVC, this frosty glass-like material is a cheap way to get a glazed roof effect, without losing your privacy. By far the cheapest option for your roof but beware these initial savings can be a false economy.

As a lower quality material, a polycarbonate roof will wear out before other options. They’re also less efficient at keeping your room at a consistent temperature, let in less light, and will be a lot nosier when the rain starts to fall.


Want to get the maximum amount of natural light into your home? It’s worth spending more money and investing in a glass roof. They’ll not only last longer and look better, but they’ll also reduce the noise levels in those wetter months.

Now with glass, you do have to be careful about creating a greenhouse effect, this is where sun overheats the room in summer and then lets too much heat out in the winter. To avoid this, choose solar-control glazing or another thermal treatment.

If you do choose glass, expect to pay between £2000 - 5000 more than polycarbonate. These costs can go even higher with treatments and whether or not you want to use structural glass.


Glazed roof not for you? You could always invest in a tiled roof. This will make your space feel more like an extension, rather than just a conservatory. This will reduce issues you might have with insulation, noise, and has a better chance of standing the test of time - all with minimal maintenance.

However, tiles are the most expensive roofing material. For example, compare these price-ranges…

A Victorian conservatory with glass: £12,000 - £17,000
A Victorian conservatory with tiles: £18,500 - £27,000

Other costs to consider

While design and the materials you use will play the biggest part in shaping your budget, there are some other costs that many homeowners forget about.

To get an accurate view of what’s ahead, don’t forget these key payments…

Planning: whether you need a full planning application or a lawful development certificate, all local authorities charge an application fee.

Architect: if you want to make sure you don’t devalue your home with bad design, get an architect on board. At Resi, we’ll not only design your space but manage your planning application. Prices start from as little as £750.

Building regulations: your home may need to get prior approval from building control and this can cost anywhere between £700 - £3000, depending on the structural work required.

Party wall matters: if your conservatory affects your neighbours, you might have to get a party wall surveyor involved. Learn more about party walls.

Other factors that will affect the price of your project will be: your location, the size of your project, and which professionals you choose to work with.

Learn more about the difference between contractors.

Want to get a more accurate view of potential costs? Our team will provide an estimate, tailored to your home and the kind of conservatory you envision. Simply book a free consultation here.

How much will it cost to build?

Which part of your property would you like to extend?

Ground Floor
First Floor

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