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They’ve flown the nest: a guide to reclaiming your space

Your kids are moving? It's time to reimagine your home and reorganise all that new free space left after their departure.

3 min read
by Molly-Sue Moore

With an increasingly challenging housing ladder to climb, kids are staying home for longer than ever these days – sometimes well into adulthood. Sometimes it’s to skip renting and pocket the pounds in preparation for their first home, sometimes simply to bridge the gap until they’re earning enough to foot the price of renting. This elongated time at home means that it might feel even more strange once they’re gone. But strange doesn’t necessarily equate to bad. We’re here to celebrate your opportunity to reclaim your space and reimagine your home in a way that caters to you.

Reclaim your space with reflections of who you are

Pre-pandemic, we released our first Happy Homes Report that revealed aspects of our homes that have the most impact upon our happiness, satisfaction and wellbeing. One of the most significant indicators of a happy home was having a “mirror” of oneself. To simplify, this means that to feel truly content in your home, it needs to be a reflection of – or have aspects of – who you are.

So, if you’re looking to refresh your space but you’ve always felt just a little self-conscious about whether or not your choices are “in” it’s time to ditch the worry and go your own way!

Rediscovering your sense of style

When it comes to family homes, we often prioritise practicality over style and comfort. And for the most part, it’s worth it! With the everyday costs that come with family life alongside other financial factors like mortgage commitments and high energy prices, focusing on the foundations of your home is key. But once your kids have grown up, flown the nest and aren’t as reliant on you any more, you’ll likely have some spare time and money to make some changes to your home. Knowing where to begin is the hardest part!

As we’ve touched on before, following trends is out. But to get a feel of what styles, shapes, layouts and colours feel right for you, looking to other homes is a good starting point. Pinterest is one of our favourite sources for inspiration, we’re a bit biased but our portfolio is brimming with real-life design solutions that look fantastic and our interior design friends at My Bespoke Room have a vault of finished projects to spark your imagination.

Modernise and update your home © Veronica Rodriguez

Reimagining your space

If you’ve been saving up for a rainy day and redecorating doesn’t feel like enough of a change, it might be time to gear up for that renovation you’ve had on your mind. Whether you’re looking to shake up the layout of a room to suit a brand new purpose, transform your kitchen or refresh your bathroom to get that minimalist spa-feel you’ve always dreamt of, look no further than Resi.

Whatever your big ideas for your home, our experts are on-hand to help make it a reality. Book an advice call today and learn more about what we can do to help. In the meantime, here are just a few ways to refresh your home to work for you.

Reorganising your home

Design with your needs in mind

It may have been a while since you assessed your space with a specific focus on what would make it work harder for you. For some, this might look like building for leisure – think nifty storage rooms for sporting equipment, cosy reading nooks or sun-drenched garden rooms. For others, perhaps you feel it’s time to carve out extra space for working from home. Maybe it’s time to stake your claim on the kids’ old bedroom for a brand new set-up. Have a project in mind? Use our Quick Quote Calculator to see how much your big idea could cost you.

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